In addition to supporting local productive agriculture interests, Humboldt County Farm Bureau members enjoy a variety of membership benefits. Regardless of what you do for a living, as a consumer of food and fiber, you have a vested interest in keeping California farmers and ranchers a viable industry. Be a part of Humboldt's largest general agriculture organization. Learn about upcoming events and current legislative action that effects us on the North Coast. Forms contacts with other industries in the area. Yearly membership is $150.
We're keeping it Local. We're keeping if Fresh. We're keeping it safe.
Membership has its benefits
Farm Bureau has teamed up with businesses all throughout the state to get members exclusive benefits, including:
Farm Bureau Publications: Agriculture Members receive a weekly AgAlert covering ag interests and concerns in California. Associate Members receive the California Bounty Magazine featuring Agriculture interest stories and highlights.
FREE listing in HCFB Constant Contact with an Agriculture or Associate Business membership.
FREE listing on the HCFB Business Directory.
Insurance Programs & Services: Members can get SPECIAL OFFERS, SPECIAL SAVINGS AND REDUCED RATES from select insurance agencies.
Agricultural Supplies: Discounts available at Grainger products
Business Services: HCFB members receive $100 off enrollment with FELS
Health Services: discounts available from Lens Crafters, BioScript prescriptions, Kelly-Moore and Dunn Edwards Paints.
Vehicle Rentals: Discounts on car rentals.
Travel & Entertainment Discounts: Save money on hotels, and even theme parks.
Propane Discount - Ferrellgas offers a substantial discount to Farm Bureau Members
Paint Discounts
County and State Farm Bureau SCHOLARSHIP Opportunities
MULTIPLE SCHOLARSHIP opportunities for Humboldt County High School graduating seniors & Returning College students.
CAL-ORE Life Flight: Reduced rates for Humboldt County Farm Bureau members
Supporting the protection of a healthy local agriculture community --- PRICELESS.