2024 HCFB
Our 2024 "TOP DOG" is "HOBIE"

This year’s Top Dog Award goes to none other than Hobie—a once-in-a-lifetime companion who’s been our loyal "Employee of the Year" since 2017. Hobie is more than just an all-around good dog; she’s a dedicated member of the team who brings warmth, fun, and a lot of heart to everything she does.
Hobie’s days are filled with adventure and purpose, from joining us for quad rides to supervising lunchtime with her characteristic charm. She finds joy in every task, whether it’s lounging in the truck at the log landing, checking on the honeybees and barn cats, or greeting forestry students on campus. True to her nature, she’s never one to say no to a hay-bale dance while feeding the cows, and her joyful howls from the back of the crummy keep everyone’s spirits high on the way to work.
With a personality as big as her heart, Hobie is the model of patience, forgiveness, and joy. She’s never taken a lunch (unauthorized!) but always appreciates the chance to share. Her love for the people around her and her passion for the forests and logging life are why she’s our Top Dog. Hobie is not just a dog—she’s a constant reminder to work hard, have fun, and relax a little along the way. Congratulations to Hobie, our truly one-of-a-kind Top Dog Award winner!
The "Hardest Working" Dog - "Reba Sue"
Runner up "Fierce" Dog - "Daisy"

This year’s Hardest Working Dog Award goes to Reba Sue, a dog whose heart and spirit bring joy and dedication to every day on the job. Reba Sue chose her family from the start, and since then, she's been a constant, happy presence—waking up each morning ready to share her love with Mom, Dad, and, if she’s in the mood, her kitty sisters.
Reba is always eager to head out with her dad to the Farm Shop in Ferndale, where she’s greeted with plenty of love and treats from the team. Throughout the day, she can be found by her dad’s side, making service calls to the farms and ranches across Humboldt County. She’s not only a familiar face in the community but a beloved one, never missing a chance to go to work and enjoying every moment on the job.
Her loyalty and joy don’t stop there—Reba also loves her time on the family ranch in Honeydew, following alongside her mom and dad on the tractor and staying one step ahead of the side-by-side as they take on farming adventures throughout the Mattole Valley. From humble beginnings to a life full of love and purpose, Reba Sue brings warmth and joy wherever she goes. She’s truly one of a kind, and it’s clear why she’s our Hardest Working Dog. Congratulations, Reba Sue, on an award well deserved!
The "Most Loyal" Dog - "Riley"

This year’s Most Loyal Dog Award is proudly given to Riley, a true protector, companion, and steadfast partner through every adventure. Riley’s loyalty runs deep, whether he’s keeping watch over the Green Diamond timberlands or guarding the farm at home. With his playful, moody personality and signature side-eye (which keeps coworkers laughing as they pass by the truck), Riley brings warmth, humor, and a sense of calm to his workday.
In the woods, Riley is more than just a survey buddy; he’s a vigilant guardian who keeps Macy safe from bears, mountain lions, and even the occasional squirrel. He’s fully tuned in to our surroundings, always ready to step up when he senses a change in my mood or the environment.
Riley’s loyalty extends from the forest to the farm, where he dutifully watches over the chickens, gently protecting the flock from foxes, bears, and any other would-be predators. His gentle way with the chicks is as surprising as it is heartwarming, showing just how adaptable he is. Fierce when he needs to be, tender when he wants to be, Riley brings a unique blend of strength and sensitivity to every role he fills.
Whether we’re surveying timberlands or nurturing life on the farm, Riley is always there, keeping us safe, entertained, and loved. Congratulations to Riley, a dog whose loyalty knows no bounds, and who has more than earned this award.