Greetings Friends of Farm Bureau.
I began my Farm Bureau year by attending the California FB Convention in San Diego in 2018. It included policy making decisions, Legislative visits, workshops, great speakers, field trips, and meeting and networking with FB members from throughout California. It was a rich experience and I plan to attend the 2019 FB Convention in Monterey. Our state is very diverse in the products we produce. California leads all of the other states in farm income. It's positioned as the agricultural powerhouse of the United States and all that wealth comes out of the soil! Farm Bureau is deeply committed to our mission, which is to improve the well-being and quality of life for California farmers and ranchers.
On the local level, we have been actively participating in important Land Use issues such as county sea level rise and climate change policies, wildlife issues, Humboldt County General Plan (yes it’s hard to believe, but the GP process is still ongoing!) and the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (a.k.a. SGMA) among others. We are also very fortunate to be able to offer a substantial scholarship program thanks to the generosity of some of our members.
On the National level, Farm Bureau is highly respected. We are very actively engaged in telling our story in a factual manner and are influential with policy makers. We are a Voice in government for the 2% of the population (that’s us!) that feeds our world. That’s not a small task and keeping those facts in the forefront are instrumental for our survival.
As President, my job is enriched by Farm Bureau’s engaged and talented Board of Directors. Their diverse expertise and active participation makes our Farm Bureau an asset to our members. I feel good that our County government refers issues related to resource lands to us for our opinion and recommendations.
Humboldt County Farm Bureau’s staff is small, but mighty! ED Katherine Zeimer along with Mary Ann Renner produce an incredible volume of output for Farm Bureau. Besides the day to day Farm Bureau work, Katherine has developed partnerships between Farm Bureau, Redwood Region Logging Conference, the Resource Rally and the new Boots on the Ground program.
On a personal level, I feel very fortunate to live in Humboldt County. I love our farming-ranching culture, our weather and the diversity of this region both physically and intellectually. I love my cows, sheep, horses and dogs and the rich array of family, people, wildlife and way of life I experience on a daily basis in Humboldt County.
I look forward to representing you as President in the upcoming year. It is truly an honor. I anticipate hearing your input in matters pertaining to agriculture. Please feel free to contact Farm Bureau staff or myself with questions or concerns. Thank you for your membership and continued support.
With warm regards,
Johanna Rodoni
Johanna Rodoni, President HCFB